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SNAP Challenge

What is the SNAP Challenge?

The SNAP Challenge provides participants with an opportunity to understand the difficulties of hunger that millions of Americans face on a daily basis. Participants are challenged to prepare all of their meals for one week off of the average SNAP benefit for their area. They will be challenged to complete a food shopping trip on a limited budget and also fit nutritious meals into their normal daily schedule.



Why is it important?

Many people take their own food security for granted. Yet for some families, recieving SNAP benefits means the difference between putting food on the table or going hungry for the night. By placing yourself in a SNAP recipent's shoes for a week, one can get a glimpse of how hard it may be for some families to make due.



Who else has taken the challenge?

Thousands of people have taken a week to undergo the SNAP challenge. Last year 26 lawmakers undertook the challenge to protest cuts to SNAP benefits in the upcoming Farm Bill. The CEO of Panera Bread also undertook the challenge and publicly shared his thoughts. Every year students, workers, and even high level executives take the challenge in order to raise awareness and learn more about hunger in their community.



How can I take the challenge?

If you're interested in taking the challenge, you can download our SNAP Challenge Toolkit here. You can also design a food plan or read some SNAP-friendly recipies. Don't forget to tell your friends and share your thoughts on social media!


Record Your Experience Here:


For More Information:



Are you currently taking the SNAP Challenge? Tweet us @LivCoMFP using #SNAPChallenge2015 and we will share your story!




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